Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sweet FA - Some Pics!

Hello there! Well this time last week I was up to my eyes in clothes and feeling very sweaty indeed (YES TMI!!). Sweet F.A. was a week ago today and I am still trying to get rid of the unsold clothing - what a long drawn-out process it is :)

It was such a busy time getting ready for the event that I didn't get a chance to take any photographs which I am SO annoyed at myself for. SAD FACE. My friend Kath did snap a few but they're not the best - they WILL give you a general idea of what it was like though.

We had over 700 items of clothing, approximately 70 ladies on the night (about three gents too!) and sold over $2000 worth of pre-loved clothing. Wowzers! The event finished at 9pm and then my friends and I had to pack up the clothes we'd spent so long hanging out...that was pretty heart breaking and I flopped into bed with the biggest backache I'd ever felt at 12.30am!

Can you spot the male?! :)

Quick snap of me at my till - and yes that is a cocktail you see!!!!:)

We held the event at Dockside Bar and it was the perfect space :)

Courtney, my 'deputy dawg' at her makeshift desk!

I swore I didn't ever want to see a bag of clothing EVER again, but now we're already in discussions to hold a new and improved Sweet F.A. in March 2012. Watch this space!!!


  1. You did so well and you don't look stressed in your picture at all. I really wish I could have made it along!!

    If you want to get rid of any size 14 clothes or size 9 shoes I could totally take them off your hands;)

    I do hope you do one in March next year - I would love to come along xoxoxo

  2. Looks great chicky, and your outfit looks fab! You'll just have to wear it again :P xx

  3. it looks amazing and good job on it all!! you look lovely as always so pretty!


  4. What a great succes and you look lovely! xo,Christina


  5. Wow Sadie! Looks amazing! Tills and cocktails dont mix, or do they? haha. You crack me up. This is such a sweet event! I would love to do one in my neck of the woods one day. Did you have dressing rooms? That is a random question right?


  6. this looked amazing! :)


  7. HOW FUN!!! I SO would do that!!!


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Sadie x